Call for Papers - Warfare in Antiquity: Approaches and Controversies - Conference, August 12-13th 2011 in University College Dublin, Ireland

"the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." 'History of the Peloponnesian War' by Thucydides (Book 5.89)
Time Line




c.750 BC Aegina Invasion
Lelantine War (?)
743 - 724 BC

685 - 668 BC

Second Messenian War
c.669 BC Battle of Hysiae ( 1 of 2 )
Peloponnesian domination wars
631 BC Battle of the Great Foss
Peloponnesian domination wars
585 BC Battle of Kirrha (Cirrha)
Sacred War, The First
c570 BC Battle of the fetters
Peloponnesian domination wars
570 BC Battle of the Ceressus
Thessaly invades Boeotia
565 BC The Megarian Conflict
Attica boundary wars
560 BC Battle of Tegea
Peloponnesian domination wars
546 BC Battle of Champions ( aka Thyrea )
Peloponnesian domination wars
546 BC Battle of Pallene
Pisistratus becomes tyrant of Athens
540 BC Battle of Alalia
Western Expantion
528 BC Battle of Miletus
Samos War
522 BC Samos rebellion
Samos War
515 BC Battle of Cydonia
511 BC Battle of Phalerum
Athenian Independence
511 BC Battle of Sybaris
507 BC Battle of the fourth Spartan invasion
Athenian Independence
507 BC Battle of Boeotian Encroachment
Athenian Independence
499 BC Seige of Naxos
Persian War, Prelude
498 BC Battle of Sardis
Ionian Revolt
498 BC Battle of Ephesus
Ionian Revolt
494 BC Battle of Lade
Ionian Revolt
494 BC Battle of Miletus
Ionian Revolt
494 BC Battle of Sepeia
Peloponnesian domination wars
490 BC Battle of Chios
Persian Wars, The First (H6:31)
490 BC Battle of Lesbos
Persian Wars, The First
490 BC Battle of Tenedos
Persian Wars, The First
490 BC Battle of Chersonese the
Persian Wars, The First
Sept 10 490 BC Battle of Marathon
Persian Wars, The First
483 BC Battle of Phocis Thessalias invade Phocis
484bc to 483 BC Athens Agina War Her:(6:87-93)(5.77)
Sept 17-19 480 BC Battle of Thermopylae
Persian Wars
Sept 17-19 480 BC Battle of Artemisium
Persian Wars
Sept 480 BC Battle of Salamis
Persian Wars
Sept 480 BC Battle of Himera
First Sicilian War
Aug 27 479 BC Battle of Plataea
Persian Wars
Aug 27 479 BC Battle of Mycale
Persian Wars
478 BC Seige of Stestos
Delian League expantion
478 BC Seige of Byzantium
Delian League expantion
475 BC Seige of Amphipolis
Delian League expantion
475 BC Seige of Eion
Delian League expantion
475 BC Seige of Scyros
Delian League expantion
474 BC Battle of Cumae
Western expantion
473 BC Battle of Tegea
Sparta defeats Argos and Arcadia
472 BC Battle of Acragas
Syracuse defeats Acragas
471 BC Battle of Dipaea
Sparta defeats Arcadia again
466 BC Battle of Eurymedon
Delian League expantion
466 BC Battle of Syedra
Delian League expantion

465 - 461 BC

Third Messenian War
465 BC Battle of Senyclarus
Peloponnesian domination wars
459 BC Battle of Halieis
Pre-Peloponnesian War
459 BC Battle of Cecryphalea
Pre-Peloponnesian War
459 BC Battle of Aegina
Pre-Peloponnesian War
458 BC Battle of Megara
Pre-Peloponnesian War
457 BC Battle of Tanagra (1 of 2 )
Pre-Peloponnesian War
457 BC Battle of Oenophyta
Pre-Peloponnesian War
453 BC Battle of Sicyon
Pre-Peloponnesian War
450 BC Battle of Salamis, Cyprus
Persian Wars

448 - 447 BC

Battle of Delphi
Sacred War, The Second
447 BC Battle of Coronea
Pre-Peloponnesian War
446 BC Battle of Euboea
Pre-Peloponnesian War
440 BC Battle of Samos
Delian League rebellion
434 BC Battle of Actium
Corcyraean War
433 BC Battle of Sybota
Corcyraean War
432 BC Battle of Potidaea
The Corinth Athenian incident

431 - 421 BC

The Peloponnesian War I - The Archidamian war
429 BC Battle of Chalcis
Peloponnesian War I
429 BC Battle of Naupactus
Peloponnesian War I
427 BC Battle of Plataea (427 BC)
Peloponnesian War I
427 BC Battle of Mytilene
426 BC Battle of Tanagra (2 of 2)
Peloponnesian War I
426 BC Battle of Olpae
Peloponnesian War I
425 BC Battle of Pylos
Peloponnesian War I
425 BC Battle of Sphacyteria
Peloponnesian War I
424 BC Battle of Delium
Peloponnesian War I
424 BC Battle of Megara
422 BC Battle of Amphipolis( 2 of 2 )
Peloponnesian War I
418 BC Battle of Mantinea ( 1 of 3)
Peloponnesian War I
416 BC Battle of Hysiae ( 2 of 2 )
Peloponnesian Domination Wars, by Argis II

415 - 404 BC

The Peloponnesian War II
415 BC Battle of Melos
Peloponnesian War II
Sept 23 413 BC Battle of Syracuse
Sicilian Expedition 415-413 BC
411 BC Battle of Syme
Peloponnesian War II
411 BC Battle of Eretria
Peloponnesian War II
411 BC Battle of Cynossema
Peloponnesian War II
410 BC Battle of Cyzicus
Peloponnesian War II
407 BC Battle of Mytilene
Peloponnesian War II
406 BC Battle of Notium (Ephesus)
Peloponnesian War II
406 BC Battle of Arginusae
Peloponnesian War II
Sept 405 BC Battle of Aegospotami
Peloponnesian War II
403 BC Battle of Phyle
Phyle campaign
403 BC Battle of Piraeus
Phyle campaign
403 BC Battle of Munychia
Phyle campaign
401 BC Battle of Cunaxa
Persian Expedition - Anabasis
396 BC Siege of Rhegium
395 BC Battle of Haliartus
The Corinthian War
394 BC Battle of Cnidus
The Corinthian War
Aug 394 BC Battle of Koronea
The Corinthian War
394 BC Battle of Nemea
The Corinthian War
394 BC Battle of Lechaeum
The Corinthian War
389 BC Battle of Elleporus
Italian Expansion
387 BC Battle of Syracuse
376 BC Battle of Naxos
The Corinthian War
375 BC Battle of Tegyra
The Corinthian War
July 5 371 BC Battle of Leuctra
The Corinthian War
367 BC Tearless battle
The Corinthian War
Under Construction 364 BC Battle of Cynoscephalae
Under Construction 362 BC Battle of Mantinea (2 of 3)
The Corinthian War
Under Construction 356 BC Battle of Embata
Social War
Under Construction 355 BC Battle of Delphi
Sacred War, The Third
Under Construction 354 BC Battle of Neon
Sacred War, The Third
Under Construction 353 BC Battle of Crocus Field
Sacred War, The Third
Under Construction 352 BC Battle of Pagasaean Gulf
Sacred War, The Third
Under Construction 352 BC Battle of Thermopylae
Sacred War, The Third
Under Construction 350 BC Battle of Tamynae
Under Construction 346 BC Siege of Lyttos
Foreign War
Under Construction 343 BC Siege of Kydonia
Foreign War
Under Construction 340 BC Battle of Crimissus
Under Construction 338 BC Battle of Chaeronea
Macedonian War
Under Construction 334 BC Battle of Granicus River
Alexander the Great's campaign
Under Construction 333 BC Battle of Issus
Alexander the Great's campaign
Under Construction 332 BC Siege of Tyre
Alexander the Great's campaign
Under Construction 332 BC Siege of Gaza (312?)
Alexander the Great's campaign
Under Construction 331 BC Battle of Megalopolis
Spartan revolt
Under Construction 331 BC Battle of Pandosia
Alexander the Great's campaign
Under Construction 331 BC Battle of Gaugamela
Alexander the Great's campaign
Under Construction 326 BC Battle of Hydaspes River
Alexander the Great's campaign
Under Construction 323 BC
Lamian War

322 - 320 BC

First War of Alexander's Diadochi
Under Construction 322 BC Battle of Crannon
First War of Alexander's Diadochi

319 - 315 BC

Second War of Alexander's Diadochi
Under Construction 317 BC Battle of Paraitacene
Second War of Alexander's Diadochi
Under Construction 316 BC Battle of Gabiene
Second War of Alexander's Diadochi

314 - 311 BC

Third War of Alexander's Diadochi
Under Construction 312 BC Battle of Gaza
Third War of Alexander's Diadochi

308 - 301 BC

Fourth War of Alexander's Diadochi
Under Construction 306 BC Battle of Salamis
Fourth War of Alexander's Diadochi
Under Construction 305 BC Siege of Rhodes
Under Construction 301 BC Battle of Ipsus
Fourth War of Alexander's Diadochi
Under Construction 281 BC Battle of Corupendium
Wars of the Diadochi
Under Construction 280 BC Battle of Heraclea
Pyrrhic War
Under Construction 279 BC Battle of Asculum
Pyrrhic War
Under Construction 279 BC Battle for Delphi
Gauls invasion of Greece
Under Construction 275 BC Battle of Beneventum
Pyrrhic War
July 9th 270 BC Seige of Rhegium
Pyrrhic War
267 BC to 261 BC
Chremonidean War
Under Construction 258 BC Battle for Cos
Under Construction 226 BC Battle of Dyme
Spartan Allied War
Under Construction 222 BC Battle of Sellasia
Spartan Allied War
Under Construction 217 BC Battle of Raphia
Under Construction 209 BC Battle of Arius
Seleucid - Parthian War
Under Construction 209 BC Battle of Lamia

215 - 205 BC

First Macedonian War

214 - 212 BC

Battle of Syracuse
2nd Punic War
Under Construction 209 BC Battle of Lamia - 1st Battle
1st Macedonian War
Under Construction 209 BC Battle of Lamia - 2nd Battle
1st Macedonian War
Under Construction 207 BC Battle of Mantinea (3 of 3)
Under Construction 202 BC Battle of Lade
Cretan War
Under Construction 201 BC Battle of Chios
Cretan War

200 - 196 BC

Second Macedonian War
Under Construction 198 BC Battle of Panium
Under Construction 198 BC Battle of Aous
Under Construction 197 BC Battle of Cynoscephalae
Second Macedonian War
195 BC
Roman - Spartan War
Under Construction 191 BC Battle of Thermopylae
Rome war against Antiochus III
Under Construction 190 BC Battle of Gythium
Under Construction 190 BC Battle of Eurymedon
Rome war against Antiochus III
Under Construction 190 BC Battle of Myonessus
Rome war against Antiochus III
Under Construction 190 BC Battle of Magnesia
Rome war against Antiochus III

171 - 168 BC

Third Macedonian War
Under Construction 171 BC Battle of Callicinus
Third Macedonian War
Under Construction 168 BC Battle of Pydna
Third Macedonian War
Under Construction 166 BC Battle of Beth Horon
Maccabean Revolt
Under Construction 166 BC Battle of Emmaus
Maccabean Revolt
Under Construction 166 BC Battle of Beth Zur
Maccabean Revolt
Under Construction 164 BC Battle of Beth-zechariah
Maccabean Revolt
Under Construction 161 BC Battle of Adasa
Maccabean Revolt
Under Construction 161 BC Battle of Elasa
Maccabean Revolt
Under Construction 155 BC Battle of Volo
3rd Sacred War

150 - 148 BC

Fourth Macedonian War
Under Construction 146 BC Battle of Corinth
Rome war for Greece
Under Construction 129 BC Battle of Ecbatana

90 - 85 BC

First Mithridatic War
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